A Horoscope for the Loudest Gemini

Sarahmarie Specht-Bird
4 min readMay 27, 2021

You’ve been waiting for a long time. A VERY long time. Now get out there and shine.

Greetings, fellow Gemini! There has been a lot of buzz around this year’s Gemini season, and for good reason: It is the time for you to fly free.

The world is waiting. It’s ready for you.

More or less.

Are you ready for the world?

Here’s what’s in store for you in the next month.

The Big Picture

Gemini, you’ve been feeling cooped up for a long time. Like, a very long time. Sometimes you feel like all you do is wait around, shuffling from place to place very slowly.

Some days, it feels like your sole purpose in life is to eat. And eat. And eat. It’s a cycle, and you’re tired of it.

Well, no more.

You’re ready for something bigger. Louder. More exciting.

You’re tired of feeling buried, like you’re trapped underground. You’ve struggled to find your motivation, your voice, your purpose. But this season is the right time. Don’t be afraid to be you.

Tunnel out of that darkness and into the light.


Career-wise, you’ve been wondering if you’re on the right path recently. You’ve had doubts about whether you’ve chosen the right direction in life, or whether there might have been a better option. You might be thinking, Is this really the right position for me? Should I have chosen something else? Will this end badly?

Gemini, keep doing what you’re doing. Your hard work will pay off soon.

Stay the course. Everyone experiences doubts about their path now and then. Sometimes, those doubts are warranted. Other times, they are a simple fact of life that you just have to ride out.

Your case is the latter. You are right on track.

You are right on the brink of a breakthrough. Literally.

Soon, you will finally emerge from the darkness and transform into the fully realized version of yourself.

It might seem like everything is uncertain right now, but just wait. Soon, sooner than you realize, everything will be come loud and clear.


Good things are in store for your love life this season, Gemini. Just as your career is about to see a breakthrough, so too is your search for that special someone.

The past few years have been lonely for you, but you are about to meet your match.

As you climb up the tree of your success, you will encounter an intriguing stranger. They may shock you at first with their looks, but do not be alarmed: They carry the bright red-and-orange flame of love in their heart for you.

Go for it. Now is the time to spread your wings. To sing.

Your soulmate is waiting, and you will find them this season. Get ready to get it on.


Your social life has been hit-or-miss recently. You’re not exactly lonely, but there’s also not a crowd around you.

That’s about to change.

Gemini, your desire to be in a large group again is about to come true. As the pandemic slowly comes to an end and summer starts to heat up, you will discover many new acquaintances. Many.

An astounding number of friends is right around the tree branch.

Be careful, though.

You are not aggressive by nature, but there may be an urge for you to compete for the attention of potential mates. Don’t forget that there are plenty of fish in the trees. There is no need to trample your comrades as you search for your lover-to-be; your mate will find you. Have no fear.

Keep a bright red eye out for potential danger during this time of socialization. As you enter the world and find yourself surrounded by others once again, it is only natural that you will encounter some individuals who wish do to you harm.

It never hurts to be wary of those who seem untrustworthy. Especially if they have a beak.

Good luck this season, Gemini!

Enjoy yourself, because life is short.

Scream into the woods and spread those wings. I’m rooting for you.

Originally published on Vocal. If you enjoyed this piece, please consider visiting my Vocal page and leaving a heart or a tip. Thank you for reading!

